Category: Misc

  • Billie Piper’s “First” Interview

    Who knew that the former songstress, former wife of Chris Evans, and now very successful actress, only got around to giving her first interview today?

  • Not Merging

    We had some interesting news at work yesterday. We also found out where we came in the Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to Work For.

  • Music in the Co-op

    So I popped around to my local Co-op to pick up a few essentials after work. Outside, a single unseen tinny loudspeaker was blaring out classical music. Very strange. I looked up, and thought that perhaps someone in a flat above was enjoying the music. Then I found out what was really going on. It…

  • London in Maps

    I must admit that I’m complete sucker for maps. When in another city, the first thing I want to get hold of is a map. So I finally got around to going to the British Library’s London in Maps exhibition this weekend. It’s an exhibition detailing the evolution of London maps from the earliest examples,…

  • Lynx

    As you may well have seen in the ads, Lynx (website “temporarily unavailable”) has a new style lockable can. You can see it in the picture above. The idea is that you can twist the cap and rises slightly locking the spray mechanism. It’s to stop the cans going off in your bag – something…

  • Tesco

    Which supermarket do you use? Is it Tesco? The chances are it is. We’ve all heard that one pound in every eight of money spent in shops, is spent in their stores. Is this healthy? Last Friday, Shopping the Supermarkets concluded a week of programmes with a detailed examination of Tesco’s attempts to get a…

  • Next…

    We escape Valentine’s Day, and this morning an email drops in my inbox: “20% Off Mother’s Day Gift Ideas” It’s one after the other…

  • Commenting

    OK. I’ve been playing around with the commenting system on this site again. I know that in the past it’s been a bit of a pain, and it’s down to me to publish comments when I finally get around to seeing them. I’ve used a plugin called CommentChallenge by Jay Allen to force you to…

  • Annoying Beyond Belief…

    Think of the two most annoying and irritating people you can. Really, really irritating people. We’re talking the kind of people that make you long for the sound of fingernails on a blackboard. Got them? Now check out the back of this week’s Review section of the Independent on Sunday. Here are the two people…

  • Tag

    Via Velorution, I loved this short film: The music’s still a temp track seemingly, and there’s an ealier cut (in colour) also on YouTube. It reminds me of a great French short called Argent Content featuring rollerskating bank robbers. Lots of bullet cam shots and plenty of central London in this video.

  • Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

    You may have noticed it snowed today. At least it did if you live in England or Wales. Here’s a photo of said snow that I took earlier. Anyway, the local news on BBC1 this evening had the usual travel chaos/schools closed story that’s par for the course on days like today. But it ended…

  • News About Someone Else

    I always like to keep abreast of news of my namesake.

  • It Was National Gorilla Suit Day The Other Day

    (Obviously – that’ll have been “national” in the sense of US national – but nevermind)