Category: Misc

  • Uri Geller Sued

    Excellent news: Uri Geller is being sued (Via Bad Science).

  • My New Range of Clothes

    Hey! Every other muppet is launching a range of clothing. Obviously, I have zero designing skills, but I have worn clothes nearly all my life, so I must know something right? I’m not even a singer. Get queuing now, as my exclusive range of geek-wear will be available from 9am Monday in branches of Halfords,…

  • Oyster Cards

    The London news today is that the Mayor is giving away 100,000 free Oyster Cards to people who don’t yet have one. This is an attempt by Transport for London to get some of the die hards who’ve not yet got one, to get around to picking one up. Ordinarily you have to pay a…

  • Breaking News: Young Couple Splits Up

    I do feel sorry for Kate Middleton. This is Monday’s Standard billboard – “Kate Shows Strain: Picture” And indeed, the front of that day’s paper showed a picture of Kate sitting in the back of taxi or similar looking seriously pissed off. That wouldn’t be anything to do with photographers following her everywhere she goes…

  • Slow Google Press Releases

    Why are Google press releases emailed so slowly? Given everything else Google does is incredibly fast and efficient, I find it odd that GooglePress mailshots take so long to appear. At around 14:40 this afternoon, I noticed message posted on the Google Blog, via Bloglines (in other words, it was posted earlier). The message in…

  • Stolen Biscuits

    Do you know the story of the “stolen” biscuits? Two strangers sitting somewhere in public – perhaps at a train station café. One dips into the other’s biscuits. Insensed, the other person does the terribly British thing of not saying anything but pointedly helping themselves to “their” biscuits. This continues for several minutes until the…

  • David Lynch on Product Placement

    He’s not a massive fan (NSFW language): Via Waxy links.

  • Miscellaneous Thoughts

    I don’t quite know why, but I’m really pleased that the House of Lords chucked out Tessa Jowell’s super-casino last night. In the meantime, am I the only person who thinks that the new Ministry of Justice sounds like a cross between something you’d find in 1984 and Judge Dredd? I found myself not watching…

  • Man on Train

    I’m sitting opposite a man. He’s probably in his early forties, and he’s one of those commuters who carries no briefcase; no rucksuck; no bag of any kind. He doesn’t read a book, or a free evening newspaper. He just toys with his mobile, sending and reading text messages. His suit screams cheap, and his…

  • Stardust Trailer

    The other day, before my screening of Blades of Glory, we also saw the trailer to the forthcoming Stardust – based on the Neil Gaiman novel (Admission: I’ve not read this book… yet). I hadn’t quite realised that this was something of an exclusive, but can say here and now that it looks stunning. I…

  • Happy Mothering Sunday

    Or Mother’s Day as some would have it!

  • Underground (or not) Campaigns

    I’ve seen a few different posters over the last few days that have intrigued me. They’re all very much campaign-based, almost agitprop. What do they all mean? – was announced to me on a sign attached to a lamppost outside work. It’s the kind of advertising that you normally associate with new (or not…

  • Mobile Tariffs

    So I’m just checking my mobile phone tariff with Orange to make sure that I’m not paying too much. As usual, all the good offers are either only available to either new subscribers (for which read, people who move networks), or me, if I wanted to take out an 18 month contract. I took out…