Category: Misc

  • When Is A Download Not A Download?

    A company called Lionsgate Films has been advertising recently on the tube as well as in newspapers such as today’s Metro (Note: I saw the ad over somebody’s shoulder – I still don’t read Metro). Here’s a copy of the ad: Lionsgate seems to specialise in offering recent US TV fare on DVD. Now none…

  • David Lynch Says Don’t Litter

  • Random Notes

    Dave Gorman is stopped from taking photos of funfair rides because he might be up to no good and trying to take pictures of children. Even when he shows that he’s completely innocent, the police tell him to leave. The daily newspaper I once worked for, The Bath Chronicle, is becoming a weekly newspaper. It’s…

  • Every Little Helps

  • No Bikes Here

    New sign on Golden Square, originally uploaded by Adrian Fitch. In the week after The Tour de France hits London and literally millions of people come out on the streets, this sign appears on the railings of Golden Square where I work. One of Mayor Ken Livingstone’s main reasons for getting the Tour to start…

  • Sunshine Widget Test

  • Paying For Autographs

    This is something I still can’t quite get my head around. If you’re an actor, sportsperson, artist or musician, you’re probably regularly asked for an autograph. It’s something personal, and I understand why people like that personal touch. When I’m buying a book, if there are copies that are signed, then I’m likelier to pick…

  • Misc

    BBC Parliament is covering the Falkland Islands crisis by replaying the BBC News coverage of the time, linked by Brian “I counted them all out, and I counted them all back” Hanrahan. I’m flicking between a Sky+ recording of this and Lewis Hamilton winning the US Grand Prix at Indianapolis. Incidentally, isn’t it ridiculous that…

  • Lynx Cans Revisited

    Back in February, I posted a piece about the new style Lynx deodorant cans and said that I thought the design was faulty. Well, as the comments to that post seem to confirm, I’m not the only person who’s noticed the fault. OK – four other people isn’t a great deal, but these are people…

  • The Sheer Randomness of Email

    I really did get my Google Talk application letting me know that these two emails arrived in fast succession.

  • New Versions of Classics

    Why do we keep getting new versions of TV and film classics adaptations? Every Jane Austen novel has now been adapted on countless occasions and you just know that there’ll be more. Even “definitive” versions of the classics don’t stop someone else making the same story again a few years later. So we had a…

  • OCD Example

    Realising that the reason the woman in front of me exiting the tube this morning is walking so slowly is that she’s checking her Blackberry the nanosecond she’s back in reception. (We’ll leave aside my Facebook refresh tendencies…)

  • 100 Films

    John Naughton and Sean French are baffled about how someone could put this sequence together of 100 quotes from 100 films counting down the numbers from one to one hundred. Naughton thinks that it’s un-Googleable. Well it’s very Googleable. Or rather, with a good knowledge of various sites, you could do it. It’s worth noting…