Category: Misc

  • Terminal 5 Is Working

    A friend mentioned the other day that when BAA were determining their marketing plans for Terminal 5 at Heathrow, post its opening, “…Is Working” probably wasn’t what they were hoping to use. But following the initial fiasco, that’s what they’re having to do to prove you can fly from there. I wonder if “Planes Still…

  • Tesco Lose Appeal In Sheringham

    Congratulations to all in Sheringham today, after Tesco finally lost an appeal to build a massive supermarket in the small Norfolk town of Sheringham. If you’ve never visited Sheringham then perhaps you won’t understand quite what this means. You probably live somewhere where most of the small independent shops, from bakers and greengrocers to butchers…

  • Gustav Coverage

    I don’t mean to underplay the potentially serious nature of Hurricane Gustav when it hits the US coastline, probably tomorrow. But Bush and Cheney not going to the Republican convention this week, answers a lot of the questions that Carl Hiaasen raises in his column this week. It’s a good get out. Bush gets criticised…

  • White Goods Via The Internet

    At work a few weeks ago, we had a nice chap come in to talk to us about the consumer behaviour at the moment, in light of the credit crunch and a falling housing market as people tightened their belts. It was all a little gloomy if you work for a company who depends on…

  • Please Apple – Do Something

    No – this isn’t yet another post about the release of a new mobile phone. This is far more important. This is about Apple’s iPods. Actually, it’s not even really about that. You see love or loathe Apple, broadly speaking the iPod is a great device. It does the job it was designed for simply…

  • Anybody Fancy An Ice Cream?

    It’s June and a nice day. Who wouldn’t fancy an ice cream?

  • Random Musings

    I can’t help but agree with Roy Greenslade on the subject of London’s evening freesheets. They’re both still uniformly abysmal with not a single thing to read. The trouble is that even the paid for Evening Standard is woeful with its ridiculous vendetta against Ken Livingstone and Mail-lite features. A bit more news would be…

  • His Girl Friday’s Fast

    As you may or may not know, His Girl Friday is one of my favourite films of all time. The film is screwball comedy and was made in 1940, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. It was written by Charles Lederer, Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur, the latter two of which had written the play,…

  • One Nation Under CCTV

    I absolutely love this new Banksy image on the side of a building around the back of the Rathbone Place Post Office sorting office. There were plenty of other onlookers since the painting appeared over the weekend. More photos via Flickr.

  • Comments

    A few weeks ago John Naughton explained some his reasons for not accepting comments on his blog. And I have no problem with that. Although it’s a lot easier for me to correct errors if comments are allowed (Photoshop Express is available to people on UK ISPs, although the dropdown when registering is limited to…

  • Bagless Mail

    So the Daily Mail has suddenly become devoted to going bagless – that is, seeing the end of the free plastic bag. Earlier this week it launched a massive campaign, and by a complete fluke, and in no way pre-planned, the next day Marks & Spencer announced that it’d no longer be supplying free plastic…

  • Earth Tremor

    Utterly bizarre. I was just sitting here in my flat at 12.55am, when the sofa started shaking. I live on a top floor flat, and the light hanging above me was moving while the rather precarious stack of CDs against one wall started to move. It all went on for about ten seconds. Turning on…

  • I Have Magnetic Legs

    Well that can be the only explanation. Unless the system is just flaky of course. Let me explain. I live in London, where the public transport system is divided into circular zones. The further out of the centre you live, the more you pay for your all zone ticket – or travelcard. A couple of…