Category: Films

  • The Two Towers

    Well I bought my copy of The Two Towers on Saturday, but I’ve still to hear the real story about the ins and outs of Sainsburys apparently breaking the embargo on Friday, and all the other chains feeling that they have to follow suit. Only East Anglian Daily Times shows up when you do an…

  • Bob Hope dies

    Bob Hope’s died.

  • Love Again

    This great TV film told me more than I’d previously known about the life of Philip Larkin. Granted, that I didn’t know anything at all before, aside from one famous line from one of his poems. Outstanding performances from Hugh Bonneville (who seems to be something of a literary actor coupled with his performance in…

  • Shortest Night

    Last night I went along to a BBC Four screening of a series of short films. The enterprise is called Shortest Night, and in about three weeks, BBC Four will seemingly be showing these and many others on, what is, the shortest night of the year. Somehow, I think Swedes will be otherwise occupied on…

  • Matrix Reloaded

    So I got to go to the (UK) premiere of this last night. The tickets said that doors open at 6.30 and that everyone should be seated by 7.30. We arrived at 7.00 in torrential rain. I can honestly say that I haven’t seen quite as big a premiere as this previously in Leicester Square.…

  • Adaptation

    I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed Being John Malkovich a couple of years ago or so, and Spike Jonze is still on something of a roll. Jackass is his baby, and he seems to have several other irons in the fire. So I was quite impatient to see Adaptation. It begins with the a…

  • Donnie Darko

    What an excellent little film this is. I missed it in the cinema but a chance to get the DVD for six quid including postage was too good an offer to miss, and it proved to be excellent. I won’t even bother going into the plot too much, but it puts the likes of A…

  • Jackass: The Movie

    Oh dear. Free tickets etc., so I went along, and in parts it was quite fun. But overall I’m not sure about the whole thing. The series is pretty juvenile, and if it continued much more (I think they’ve pretty much stopped producing it now), would surely result in either a major accident or fatality.…

  • The Castle

    We watched this 1997 Aussie film to celebrate Australia Day. I’ve seen a bit of it before, but it’s a good example of what the Australians can do so well. They have character actors par excellence, and aren’t afraid to take the piss out of one another. OK, so the ending is a tad melodramatic,…

  • The Ring

    Saw a preview of The Ring today, and was pleasantly surprised. I saw the original Japanese version a earlier last year on Filmfour. This version is very nearly a shot-for-shot remake of that earlier film. I wouldn’t go to say that it’s superior to the original, but it doesn’t fall far short, and doesn’t sell…

  • Star Trek: Nemesis

    In short, very disappointing. This seemed to be an average two part Star Trek: The Next Generation episode with a bigger than usual special effects budget. The script was poor from the outset, and it was just dull overall. Certainly, Patrick Stewart’s a fine actor, but this was Star Trek by numbers. Right down to…

  • Gangs of New York

    This new Martin Scorcese epic has famously been in production for a long time, and in the editing suite even longer. Now it finally reaches our screens (after a Christmas Day release in the US), but has it been worth the wait? Well a qualified yes. It is undoubtedly a spectacular film, and Daniel Day-Lewis…

  • Sweet Home Alabama

    I’m not sure why I went to see this. I do think that Reece Witherspoon is an excellent actress, and if Election is cheap on DVD I’ll get hold of a copy. Aside from the fact that I had a voucher to get me in free which expires tomorrow, the reason was this review from…