Category: Films

  • Die Hard 4.0

    I’m sure earlier in the year, or perhaps late last year, I saw trailers for Live Free or Die Hard. But in the meantime, somebody noticed that Web 2.0 was a bit of a buzzword, and since this film is all about using the power of computers to bring down the state, it was renamed…

  • Scoop

    I love stories set in newspapers. Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop is quite probably my favourite ever book – riotously funny. TV has had its fair share of programmes set around plucky newspaper reporters; most recently State of Play, but I even remember Lytton’s Diary! And then there are films. Another favourite is The Day The Earth…

  • Sunshine (Part Two)

    I must return to Sunshine, which is now finally in cinemas. First off, a bit of background. Back in May 2005, I accompanied a colleague at work on set-visit to 3 Mills Studios over in the East End to see the filming of this Danny Boyle science fiction epic. Now I’ve never been on a…

  • 300

    So this weekend it was all things Spartan, and in particular the Battle of Thermopylae. Frank Miller, that doyen of graphic novels, wrote a five-parter called 300 some while back, and this morning, before seeing the newly released film, I read it. It’s a fictionalised telling of King Leonidas leading his 300 Spartan troops into…

  • Idiocracy

    Idiocracy is a film that never actually got a cinema release in the UK. Made by the creator of Beavis & Butthead, as well as King of the Hill, Mike Judge, this film was made after the cult success of Office Space – a film that only really did well on DVD. Well this time…

  • Blades of Glory

    Blades of Glory is the latest Will Ferrell film, and if you’re like me, you won’t know if you’re going to see a good Will Ferrell film (like Anchorman) or a bad one (like Bewitched). Fortunately, Blades of Glory is in the former camp. Now you’re going to have to suspend your disbelief a little…

  • Inland Empire

    If you ask me to describe the plot of Inland Empire, David Lynch’s latest, I’m going to struggle. If you’d previously seen either Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive and thought that they were weird, then you ain’t seen nothing yet. The plot revolves around Laura Dern’s character, who’s trying to revitalise her film career with…

  • The Illusionist

    So here’s a film I can talk about openly. I’m a bit of a sucker for films about magic, and Ricky Jay was a consultant on The Illusionist so I had to see it. We’ve had quite a long for this film, since it’s similar in story to The Prestige which came out around the…

  • Sunshine (Part One)

    Thanks to Gia, I saw Sunshine last night at a bloggers’ screening. There are strange rules coming down from Fox that say I can’t “review” the film until March 26, but can say how much I liked (or otherwise) the film in the meantime. So this is just a trailer of a review until I…

  • Hot Fuzz

    Hot Fuzz is the new Simon Pegg/Nick Frost/Edgar Wright film. You know? The people who brought you Shaun of the Dead, and more importantly, Spaced. This time around we have Simon Pegg’s diligent Sgt. Angel being transferred from the Met, where he’s showng everyone else up with his tremendous drive and arrest rates, to rural…

  • Pan’s Labyrinth

    Pan’s Labyrinth is one of those films that I just knew I’d like before I saw it. I could have been setting myself up for a fall, but it’s safe to say that I didn’t. Set at the end of the Spanish Civil War, events take place in a mountainous region as Captain Vidal moves…

  • Apocalypto

    Apocalypto is the latest effort from Mel Gibson, someone who’s had, er, a difficult time of late. It’s set in ancient Maya and the film is made in the local dialogue. We meet a group of villagers who seem to live a fairly idyllic life on the edge of a forest capturing wild boar and…

  • Casino Royale

    So finally the new Bond is with us – Daniel Craig. Frankly, after the last film, the only possible way was going to be up. Recently we’ve had The Bourne Identity and more specifically, The Bourne Supremacy where the realism was heightened and the visceral thrill of something perhaps not working out returned to the…