Category: Podcasts

  • Tour de France 2017 Podcasts

    At the 2015 Tour Le Tour is back underway, and while I’m sadly not planning to go and visit this year, I am of course closely watching TV, listening to the radio and podcasts and following all the action on Twitter. And of course, I’m helping out with The Cycling Podcast, the finest podcast covering…

  • Fortunately…

    The first ladies of radio, Fi Glover and Jane Garvey have a new podcast out that’s really quite essential listening: Fortunately… Glover and Garvey are fantastic radio people, and to a large extent, the joy of this podcast is just to hear them in fairly casual conversation with one another. Episodes are recorded in various…

  • How Podcasts are Being Listened

    Podcast listening metrics have long been seen as something as a bone of contention. In the digital advertising world, they’re seen as inferior to metrics delivered by other parts of the industry, because while you can be pretty sure a podcast advert has been delivered, you can’t be sure that it has been heard. As…

  • The Political Cycle

    It’s my favourite time of year – The Tour de France is well underway. Mark Cavendish is back on form, picking up wins 27, 28 and 29, leaving him second on the all-time wins list, and the fireworks are about to kick off as the race enters the Pyrenees. Recently I raised my hand to…

  • Podcasting: Data/Tech Improvements or Leave Alone?

    A couple of interesting pieces on the development of podcasts, and Apple’s role, have been published recently and thought worth thinking aloud about (that’s effectively what my blog is – me thinking aloud). The New York Times published a piece that suggests major podcasting groups have been talking to Apple asking for extra functionality from…

  • The Tow Center Guide to Podcasting

    There’s a terrific new report that the Tow Center for Digital Journalism – an institute within the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. It has published called A Guide to Podcasting. It’s an unashemedly US-centric view of the podcasting market in 2015, detailing the history of the medium, and presenting a series of case studies…

  • Why Doesn’t Audio Go Viral?

    I’m a regular reader of Nick Quah’s Hot Pod newsletter on Podcasts. It’s worth subscribing to if you’re interested in the medium, even if there are slightly too many animated GIFs in the emails! A few weeks ago, Nick addressed something that goes back to a Digg piece from well over a year ago. As…

  • Following the Tour de France

    And by that, I mean “following it from afar” not being at the race itself. The Tour de France takes place over three weeks, including four weekends. That equates to 21 stages and two rest days. If you’re not on a roadside somewhere watching the race, then you’re going to be following the race remotely.…

  • US Podcasting Developments

    Like many people since last weekend I’ve been bingeing a series since last weekend. No not the new season of House of Cards, although I will be catching up with that very soon, but Alex Blumberg’s Startup podcast about how to build a startup podcasting company. Very meta. It’s been sitting there on my phone…