Category: Audio

  • Farewell to the Arqiva Awards; the Continued Fragmentation of the UK Radio Industry

    Towards the end of last year we learned that after 21 years, the Arqiva Radio Awards (previously the CRCA Awards) have now come to an end. The awards, which were contested by commercial radio alone, have been a mainstay of the calendar for many years now. Many might recall that in years gone by when…

  • The Cycling Podcast Review of the Year 2016

    I seem to have been a little backwards in coming forwards with details of this edition of The Cycling Podcast put together by yours truly and published over the Christmas period. Obviously it won’t be of enormous interest if you don’t follow professional cycling, and you’ll miss all the running jokes if you haven’t listened…

  • Radio Times – Boxing Day 2016

    So you’ve made it through to Boxing Day. Assuming you’re not hitting the shops for the sales, or off to some sporting or outdoors activity, you’ll be settling in at home looking for more entertainment. Here are my choices and anti-choices for Boxing Day from the Radio Times. As ever, click the link below to…

  • Radio Times – Christmas Day 2016

    Happy Christmas! It feels as though everyone and their mum has released a Christmas Message™ this year. However, I shall simply try my best to satisfy the nation’s TV watching by sharing once more pages from my copy of the Radio Times. Hopefully this will help you find some of the programmes the rest of…

  • TeamRock: An Autopsy (I Never Understood You)

    The sad news, just ahead of Christmas, is that 73 staff who worked for Team Rock, have lost their jobs as their company has entered administration. The Daily Record reports that just seven staff will be kept on to help administrators. It’s a disappointing end to a business that I never quite understood. Team Rock…

  • The Singles Charts

    It may seem unlikely that I’m writing about the UK singles charts, on the basis that I’m not sure that I could name a single song released this year that may have troubled the chart compilers. Except that it turns out I’m wrong. I know quite a lot of the songs in the current chart.…

  • TechCon 2016 – The Return

    One of the casualties of the changes surrounding the Radio Academy was that TechCon, the one day conference about radio and audio technology, fell by the wayside. Fortunately, it was gamely picked up by Ann Charles, Aradhna Tayal and Andy Buckingham, who took the conference independent. Running a conference is not for the faint-hearted, with…

  • Diversity in Radio

    Yesterday, two things happened. I got an email from Sound Women telling me that the organisation will be closing down at the end of next year. And I went to a radio and audio conference in London. I’ll explain the link in a minute. But let’s just say for the moment, that I learnt a…

  • RAJAR Q3 2016

    Once again, this post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 9 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I continue to be delighted to be able to bring you this analysis in association with them. For more details on RALF,…

  • Who’s Missing from the ARIAS?

    Earlier this week, the nominations for the inaugural ARIAS were announced. These are effectively the replacement of the former Sony Radio Awards, following Sony departing as a sponsor, and the Radio Academy reorganising itself and slimming down. Over the 16 award categories, the BBC has 54 nominations, including several catetgories that only feature BBC nominees,…

  • Doing Something Different on DAB

    It does now feel that with extra DAB radio capacity from the second national mux launching earlier this year, to the various minimux that Ofcom is continuing to allow to trial, there is now a bit more experimentation going on in DAB. We’ve seen Magic launch Abba and Soul pop-up services, building on the various…

  • How Podcasts are Being Listened

    Podcast listening metrics have long been seen as something as a bone of contention. In the digital advertising world, they’re seen as inferior to metrics delivered by other parts of the industry, because while you can be pretty sure a podcast advert has been delivered, you can’t be sure that it has been heard. As…

  • Best-Selling Folk Music… According to Amazon

    I have fairly broad musical tastes – it’s why I struggle when people ask me what kind of music I’m into. A couple of weekends ago, for example, you could have found me watching the Pet Shop Boys at the Royal Opera House on Saturday night, and the next day in a field in Hertfordshire…