Category: Music

  • Copyright Extension

    I wrote at length about the Gower Review the other day, and in particular the section related to music copyright extension. Towards the end I noted that an advert had been published in the FT listing the names of 3,500 – 4,000 people who were in favour of the extension. If you don’t read Boing…

  • The Gower Review

    This week has finally seen the publication of the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property conducted on behalf of the Treasury, and the departments of Trade and Industry, and Cutlure, Sport and Media. All the press reports have been about the need to protect intellectual property rights more rigorously from pirating and counterfeiting. There are also…

  • Great Music Copyright News

    Some of the best news recently has got to be that the UK is not going to extend the copyright on music beyond the current 50 years to a proposed 95 years. The rather random seeming 95 years is because that’s what it is in America. As I’ve mentioned before, record companies are seemingly unable…

  • Bruce Springsteen and the Seeger Sessions Band

    To Wembley Arena (never a fun phrase to type, but it was pretty painless this evening) to see Bruce Springsteen. Now I’ve got to admit that I’m not a “Bruce” fan. In his heyday he was selling out Wembley Stadium, but we’re now in the somewhat smaller Arena – not that the stadium’s available of…

  • Tax Breaks For Record Companies!

    Seemingly, the BPI is calling for record companies to be given tax breaks! This seems to be the latest hare-brained scheme for British record companies to make more money for themselves. It seems that when they’re looking for new artists, it’s not because they might hit big and earn loads of profits, but they’re actually…

  • Ad Funded Free Downloads?

    So how is SprialFrog going to make money exactly? According to a piece in today’s FT (read it quick before it costs you), Universal Music is backing the service which will offer free downloads based on users experiencing ads. Unless we’re going to have to watch a whole series of ads, I can’t see how…

  • Hard Rock Cafe Party

    A busy afternoon of not winning any Arqiva Radio Awards and then heading on to a party at the Hard Rock Café where a few bands were playing. I got to see Bonnie Tyler and the Fun Loivin’ Criminals. Somewhere around I have a copy of Holding Out For Hero on 7″ – I remember…

  • MyCokeMusic is Closed

    Two years after MyCokeMusic launched, and it closes down. I can’t say I’m really surprised since the OD2 service they had working for them was relatively poor if you wanted music from outside the mainstream. But it just goes to show that even the might of Coca Cola doesn’t guarantee online music sales success. And…

  • Depressing

    Seen on the tube this evening: a kid in his generic Orson/Feeder type t-shirt with a Download Festival wristband. That is to say, he hasn’t removed his plastic wristband from a concert that was over a week ago. Oh dear… Incidentally, I discover that it only takes 10,000 single sales to make the Top 10…

  • Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler

    I recently bought a copy of the new album recorded by Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler, really out of shear curiorisity. Of course I’m familiar with Knopfler, Brothers in Arms having been one of the first albums I ever bought (and curiously one of the few albums I’ve ever owned in three formats – vinyl,…

  • Pet Shop Boys – Fundamentalism

    I know just about every magazine or newspaper has already given the new Pet Shop Boys album, Fundamentalism, 4 or 5 stars (out of five), but it really is that good. I am a bit of a long time Pet Shop Boys fan and this album really is the best since Behaviour with some great…

  • Music in Podcasts

    A quite hilarious “Crib Sheet” from last week’s Music Week about Radio One making unsigned artists available on a special podcast. It’s all behind a pay-wall, so here are a few choice extracts with my thoughts: Isn’t that illegal? Hardly the kind of behaviour I would expect of the nation’s favourite. Well not if –…

  • New Folk

    I was going to get on my new bike today (more anon), but the weather forecast was poor, so I settled down to a lot of BBC Four’s recent Folk Britannia season that I’d saved on my PVR. First up were a couple of concerts from Celtic Connections in Glasgow. They’re all available to view…