Category: Music

  • Music Collector

    I’ve just returned to a program that I first got interested in a couple of years ago – Music Collector. The idea is that it keeps a database of all my CD music (and indeed any other music that I have). The really clever part is that it can batch scan CD TOCs and then…

  • Wynton Marsalis in the Snow

    A very long day has just about ended. Starting with a five o’clock taxi for RAJAR (down basically – thanks for asking). Later on, the weather took a turn for the worse, and by the time it came to the highlight of my day, a Barbican concert given by the aforementioned and the Lincoln Center…

  • The Remix

    I’ve just been listening to my Wavefinder’s recording of last Friday’s Remix, and it’s fantastic. Loads of great tracks that at some point I’ll pull apart and make into audio of. Maybe tomorrow at work!!!

  • Dirrty

    Well the jury’s still out. Is the video on the Christina Aguilera CD single any different to the one that’s on constant rotation on all the music channels on TV. We don’t think so.