Where Ravens Roost by Karin Nordin

I love a good Scandi-noir, and this doesn’t disappoint with an entertaining tale about a slightly-disgraced Swedish detective who feels compelled to visit his long-estranged father in the rural countryside. He heads to the home where for years his father has kept ravens in a barn, but is now suffering from dementia and is talking about having witnessed the murder of someone.

We get deep into the weeds of family history, local politics and the reasons why Kjeld Nygaard left the area in the first place. Nygaard is an interesting character – with lots of backstory hinted at, but left to be explored.

The portrait of a small town, miles from anywhere, and heavily reliant on local industry, adds to the overall tone of the book. You can certainly feel the place.

All in all, an entertaining read.

Where Ravens Roost by Karin Nordin, is published on Wednesday 17th February. Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.


