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RAJAR Q2 2014

RAJAR Q4 2013

This post is brought to you in association with RALF from DP Software and Services. I’ve used RALF for the past 6 years, and it’s my favourite RAJAR analysis tool. So I’m delighted to be able to bring you this analysis. For more details on RALF, contact Deryck Pritchard via this link or phone 07545 425677.

At some point I’m really going to stop writing these…. Maybe.

And I should point out up front that these are most certainly my own views and not those of either my current or previous employer.

Just so we’re really clear on that!

So what things jump out at me this quarter?


And in London:



Where would I be without them?

Here’s the national chart.

As ever, I recommend viewing the larger fullscreen version which includes some explanatory notes.

And here’s the London chart.

And a link to the larger version. Note that this chart in particular will take a long time to load as there’s a lot of data underlying it. Please be patient.


For more RAJAR analysis, I’d recommend the following sites:

The official RAJAR site
including another nice infographic
Radio Today for a digest of all the main news
The recently renamed Media.Info (née Media UK) for lots of numbers and charts
Paul Easton for analysis
Matt Deegan may have some analysis
Media Guardian for more news and analysis
One Golden Square for more Absolute Radio details
The BBC Mediacentre for BBC Radio stats and findings
And there are always RAJAR Smilies

Source: RAJAR/Ipsos-MORI/RSMB, period ending 22 June 2014, Adults 15+.

Disclaimer: These are my views alone and do not represent those of anyone else. Any errors (I hope there aren’t any!) are mine alone. Access to the RAJAR data is via RALF from DP Software as mentioned at the top of this post.

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