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Election Viewing

As America votes, there were a couple of fascinating films on TV recently which had well-timed screenings.
On Friday there was a cracking film on BBC Four which isn’t available to watch on the iPlayer, so I can only recommend picking up the DVD instead. CSNY Deja Vu followed Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young on tour across the US in 2006. This documentary which appeared to have pretty full access and was made by an ABC journalist, showed that many people thought that when a band in its sixties tours so many years after it had originally been behind the protest movement, it might have mellowed. Those people were wrong as became clear when they begin a song with the lyrics “Let’s impeach the president…” I hold not particular candle for their music, but their beliefs are heartfelt, even if some of the disagreeing crowd had the perfectly valid opinion that if they were paying $200 for a ticket, they shouldn’t be preached to. But CSNY always preached, so more fool them.
And speaking of DVDs, if you missed Recount on More4 a month or so ago, and the Channel 4 screening on Saturday night, then you’ll have to wait until January to buy the DVD of that excellent film (or import the US edition). I trust that this evening’s procedings will be completed somewhat more speedily. If the polls are anything to go by, that’s the case.
A heavy cold means that going out to an election party is out the question, so I shall be taking in supplies this evening and settling back in the sofa with a remote switching between the BBC, Sky, CNN, even Fox, and possibly CNBC if they’re carrying NBC programming through the night. Sadly there’s no way to watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report show until tomorrow when the result will be known.

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