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Cloud Cuckoo Land

Exactly which part of Cloud Cuckoo Land does Home Office minister Liam Byrne live in?
He’s reported today as saying that Blair’s pointless, over-priced, Big Brotheresque ID Card scheme will become a “great British institution” on a par with the railways in the 19th Century.
How exactly? The building of the railways brought great positive changes for every citizen as long distance travel was achievable and affordable to great swathes of the population.
ID Cards will cost a fortune and serve little to no good whatsoever. It’ll cost billions of pounds – money that can be better spent on, ooh, schools, hospitals, social services. Useful things.
The Tories are against it. The Lib Dems are against it. Blair is for it.
Here’s hoping that the sober Mr Brown will realise that it’s just going to cost him lots of money for no purpose whatsoever.
Liam Byrne, you are a fool.

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