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Slow Google Press Releases

Why are Google press releases emailed so slowly? Given everything else Google does is incredibly fast and efficient, I find it odd that GooglePress mailshots take so long to appear.
At around 14:40 this afternoon, I noticed message posted on the Google Blog, via Bloglines (in other words, it was posted earlier). The message in turn pointed to a press release from Google.
Yet it took over two hours before I got a copy in my inbox of the same email – and I can honestly report that we’re not experiencing any email issues here today.
I don’t doubt that Google’s email list is awfully long, but the press release I finally received at 16:59 is unpersonalised and in plain text. And Google does have an incredible amount of resource to call upon for a job so trivial. Their emails are administered, seemingly, via Google Groups, so there’s no real excuse as I get other Google Groups emails in a very timely fashion.
On the right hand side of the Google Press page, we’re told we can sign up to get “timely news from Google.” Just not that timely…

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