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Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

You may have noticed it snowed today. At least it did if you live in England or Wales. Here’s a photo of said snow that I took earlier.
Snow in Enfield
Anyway, the local news on BBC1 this evening had the usual travel chaos/schools closed story that’s par for the course on days like today. But it ended with a scene showing a mum clearing, possibly as much as a centimetre of snow from her bricked drive. On said driveway was parked a Mitsubishi 4×4.
The kids surrounding her suggested that she was about to embark on the school run. Still it inclement weather, I guess that 4x4s come into their own don’t they? I couldn’t stop laughing when she then said:
“I have tried to get out of my garage driveway as you can see. But I’ve managed about six inches and now it’s stuck.”

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