
OK. I’ve been playing around with the commenting system on this site again. I know that in the past it’s been a bit of a pain, and it’s down to me to publish comments when I finally get around to seeing them.
I’ve used a plugin called CommentChallenge by Jay Allen to force you to answer a trivial question – indeed I give you the answer. In my view this is a little better than the average CAPTCHA systems used which tend involve some hideously deformed graphic that you’re supposed to read. I hope that screen-readers, for example, can cope with this.
For the time being I’ve removed “Preview” as an option because it was giving me problems, and I’ve also removed the need for TypeKey on this blog. Although I liked it for many reasons, I’m no fan of having to register on lots of websites just to comment either. And unfortunately one of the limitations of MovableType is that it seems to insist that only “authenticated” TypeKey users can be “Trusted” and hence publish comments without intervention.
Incidentally, I hadn’t realised how good the SpamLookup plugin for MovableType is. There are always a few comments that get forwarded onto me (in the form of an email telling me there’s an unpublished message), but SpamLookup has been silently dealing with hundreds of spam postings without any intervention from me.
Penultimately, I don’t seem to be able to get “Remember Personal Info” working properly. It’s likely to be a Javascript issue that I need to look into a bit more. So apologies in advance for having to retype your name and email address repeatedly.
And finally, thanks to James for pointing out some issues with my RSS feeds. Hopefully they’re all sorted now, and if you’re reading this in Firefox (you are reading this in Firefox aren’t you), you should automatically have a choice of feeds to subscribe to from the icon in the address bar, should you wish to.
In a few months’ time, this blog will be five years old, so the time’s coming for a complete redesign anyway. Will I attempt to shift from MovableType to WordPress? Who knows. But I will go through a bit of redesign. Time for some fancy new features I say. What I do know is that this website of five years ago still looked better than MySpace looks today. So there.





5 responses to “Commenting”

  1. James Cridland avatar

    And finally, thanks to James for pointing out some issues with my RSS feeds. Hopefully they’re all sorted now
    They’re not: clicking the feed icon in the Firefox title bar on this page gives me…

    The requested URL /weblog/atom.xml was not found on this server.

    WordPress. I highly recommend it.

  2. Adam Bowie avatar

    Well it was all working fine until I tried fixing the comments and just copied and pasted the standard template.
    All bad coding on my part.
    No, I’m not going to WordPress just yet. Not until I can seamlessly move everything across without breaking all my page links. It’s a non-trivial exercise.
    Anyway, all will be fine in a matter of minutes…

  3. Adam Bowie avatar

    All fixed!
    (Note to self – don’t just copy and paste)

  4. Kevin Spencer avatar

    Just out of curiosity, why would you want to switch to WordPress? I must admit it’s been a while since I checked so what features does WordPress provide that are lacking in MT?

  5. Adam Bowie avatar

    I must admit that WordPress is probably easier for a beginner to setup, but until very recently I didn’t realise quite how much spam, SpamLookup was removing for me.
    I guess that the only question is whether or not Sixapart continue to develop the free version of Movable Type.
    It’s a fashion thing really isn’t it? When I started this blog, all the cool kids were using MT. These days they’re all using WordPress.