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Tomorrow’s World Returns

Four years on – nearly to the day – and Media Guardian is reporting that Tomorrow’s World is returning.
Well – sort of.
The programme itself isn’t returning – just elements of it including the title sequence, and, well, the name. Effectively, the brand, then.
This is better than nothing, but not really that great. We’re really crying out for a popular-ish science programme; something that can explain to the public what stem cell research is about, or what NASA’s plans for a moonbase really mean. Programmes like The Gadget Show on Five are fine, but they’re talking about devices currently on the market. What’s coming around the corner? What are the issues in science today?
A popular Tomorrow’s World would also allow Horizon to return to the higher ground from where it has fallen.
There’s more at the BBC’s Press Office.
I guess Maggie Philbin impressed after her appearance on It Began With Swap Shop over Christmas. I found that programme both interesting and nauseating in equal amounts, despite being an avid viewer of many of the shows. But I did wonder what had become of her, and why she hasn’t been on television since (aside from the obvious fact that if you’re female and over about thirty-five, you’re over the hill for television presenting seemingly).

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