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Meaningless Numerology

Actually, this entry’s title is tautological. All numerology is meaningless.
However, should you live in the States, and happen to be up very early tomorrow morning (i.e. late tonight), you can watch as the time ticks through to:
01 02 03 04 05 06
or to be a little clearer
01:02:03 on 04/05/06
Of course this doesn’t work in most of the known world because we follow the somewhat more sensible system of formatting our dates dd/mm/yy.
We get our chance to see this pointlessness in roughly a month’s time on the 4th of May.
(Read more here, where it’s seemingly within the “Health” section of the paper)
I was mentioning this nonsense to a work colleague who recalled looking at his digital watch in 1989 to see the following time:
01:23:45 on the 6/7/89 – a bit more pointlessly impressive, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Still, full marks to Twentieth Century Fox who are opening the remake of The Omen in June this year on 6/6/06…

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