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Free DVD Update

A bumper weekend is in store this weekend for us collectors of free DVDs.
The Telegraph papers are going “kitchen sink” crazy with Saturday Night, Sunday Morning in the Saturday paper, followed by A Taste of Honey in the Sunday Telegraph (top tip – if you struggle to find the Sunday Telegraph, try looking at the papers that seem to be regional titles. They’ve cleverly redesigned their paper to look like the Irish Sunday Independent or Yorkshire Post or something).
The Independent continues its quest to educate us in the lesser known lights of European cinema by offering us Il Cielo Cade (The Sky is Falling) starring Isabella Rossellini. (I still haven’t learnt French or Spanish via The Independent, and Italian’s on the way…)
The Times are offering a Woody Allen “classic” in Take The Money and Run, while the Mail on Sunday offers us the Michael Winner/Robert Mitchum version of The Big Sleep – obviously a poor Philip Marlowe remake and not to be confused the Elliot Gould/Robert Altman Marlowe film The Long Goodbye, which was not re-set in London.
Plenty to keep us busy and ABC circulation figures artificially and expensively boosted.

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