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A History Of Violence

David Cronenberg films are always worth watching – although I admit I didn’t see his last film, Spiders. But eXtistenZ was a very interesting film.
A History Of Violence is one of those films that you probably don’t want to know a great deal about before you see it. Viggo Mortensen is Tom, a nice guy married to Edie (Maria Bello) who seem like a lovely family in Indianna where Tom runs a diner.
One day two criminals try to hold up the diner, and out of the blue, Tom saves the day by spectacularly disarming and killing his vicious attackers. He becomes a national hero, and with this brings some unwanted attention as some dubious characters believe him to be someone else.
And that’s all I’ll say about the plot. Mortensen and Bello play an enormously believable husband and wife in a film full of good performances. Of course, we’re always in Cronenberg’s world, so nothing’s quite that straightforward.

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