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Cycle To Work

I’d love to cycle to work, but given that it’s a long way, and we have neither a shower, nor the facility to store bikes, it’s a bit of a problem.
But quite a few people have gone out and bought bikes recently due to fears of bombers on the tube. Obviously, this is completely daft reasoning – since you’re far likelier to be knocked off your bike as a new cyclist, than blown up on a tube. Not that I want people to stop cycling, but just behave rationally.
The local TV news has just done a piece on the issue, and the lack of devent facilities such as cycle paths and places to lock your bike. Of course having somewhere to lock it is one thing – the chances are it’ll get nicked anyway if it’s a good bike and it’s left on the street. I noticed in Copenhagen that the vast majority of bikes were decidedly dull and not worth stealing at all. They also had very handy little locks that effectively run through the back wheel of the bike making movement impossible. I barely saw an expensive Kryptonite lock the whole time!

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