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Blatent Advertising

The more alert reader may have spotted that my last couple of book reviews have now become adorned with tasteful Amazon ads.
I should explain.
Obviously this site isn’t quite one to put The London Review of Books to shame just yet, but I do like to read books (and to be honest, I like to buy them even more). A while back when playing with plugins for MT (the system that this site runs on), I a became an Amazon associate. Riches awaited me.
Thousands of readers would buy books off the back of my recommendations. Amazon would do well because I link to them by default, and I’d reap the dividends.
Except it didn’t quite work like that. I was pretty poor in my linking policy, and most of the time, I just put a straight link into the text.
Anyway, I didn’t give it a second thought until a Q1 summary of my earnings dropped into my inbox, and I noticed that I’d earned some money.
That is, some revenue from the sale of a single book. And it’s not even one that I’ve read or linked to, so God knows how that happened.
So this is my subtle attempt to see what happens if I pursue a proper linking policy on this site. And it does make the site a little more colourful with nice cover images. Who knows, I may eventually be able to buy a book with the proceeds? But let’s not run before we can walk.

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