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While it will be hard ever to extinguish from my mind, the bit from Jam featuring the day Robert Kilroy-Silk “went mad”, running naked around a shopping centre. But in the meantime, he’s just formed a new political party – Veritas.
Of course he’s just left the UK Independence Party who were pretty anti-Europe – indeed I’m not sure if they had any other policies. Although it’s interesting that he’s chosen that pan-European language Latin to supply him with his party’s name. Veritas means “truth”.
And lest we forget, that before he became a bigoted anti-Arab, Express commentator, and purveyor of miserable daytime television, he was once a Labour MP.
Sadly I missed the BBC3 programme about him on Monday, although I expect it’ll get another 50,000 repeats. And I can confidentally say now that I’ll be missing each and every one of them.

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