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Charles and Camilla are Getting Married!

So Charles and Camilla are to marry. But isn’t interactive television a wonderful thing? At only 25p or so a go, you get to have your say!
But as I type, the viewers of Sky News have voted 62% against approving of the marriage. Now I’m no constitutional expert (particularly as our constitution is actually unwritten), so I’m not sure whether this is binding or not…
Anyway, the whole shebang takes place on Friday 8 April. But at the time of writing, it’s not been made clear whether or not this is a national holiday.
Now I’m not a raving Royalist, but I do believe that we, the people, should be able to share in the nuptuals of the future King of England. And as such, it seems only right that we celebrate with a national holiday. The fact that this means a free day off work on a Friday, is neither here nor there, and I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I was getting on some kind of bandwagon just because I fancied a three day weekend. You can’t possibly believe that I could be as shallow as that.
Anyway, I ask all readers of this site, both of you, to please sign my petition and hopefully we can swing the Government into action and give the people what they want!
Sign here:

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