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I went into Sideways knowing very little aside from the fact that it was about a wine taster. Indeed, for all I knew it might have been a documentary. All of which goes to show that I’m not reading enough about upcoming films – it’s fantastic.
Paul Giamatti (who’ll you’ll recognise from bit parts in many a film) plays Miles, the aforementioed wine taster. He lives like a slob, and we quickly discover that he’s something of an alcoholic – not good for his profession. He’s actually a teacher, but he’s written his first novel which he’s desperately trying to get published.
His longtime friend from college is Jack, who’s getting married in a week’s time. Before then, he and Miles will go on a trip into Calfornian wine country for a bit of freedom before the big day.
In one of the small towns, around which are dotted the vineyards, they eat in a restaurant where they run into Maya, who waitresses there. It quickly becomes evident that Miles quite like Maya but is nervous to do anything about it – he still thinks he might be in love with his ex-wife. Jack, who was once a TV actor and now does commercial voiceovers, behaves like he’s a dog on heat. When they come across Stephanie, Jack sorts out a date between the four of them.
What ensues is funny and moving. I probably can’t do it service here, but it’s enormously quotable. Miles is by no means perfect – an early scene sees him “steal” money from his mother.
The film that this most reminds me of is Swingers, another film which I loved. This could almost be Swingers + 10 years.
I loved it. Go and see it!

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