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ID Cards Rear Their Head Again

Of course we need ID cards now. That’s obvious isn’t it? I mean with all the potential terrorists being picked up and arrested all over the place, ID cards are the way forward.
Could someone please explain how ID cards would help? Will they have “terrorist” encoded somewhere in the electronic chip so that we can find out who they are more easily. Will we supply them to “illegal immigrants” that everyone is getting in such a fuss over? Especially Romanian ones. Will they stop crime in general, or will they be something else that most of the population already has that’s a unique identifier, like National Insurance Numbers or Passports? In which case, why do we need something else. Not enough of a police state Mr Blunkett or Mr Blair?
We were told a while ago that the idea was being dropped, but suddenly it’s back on the agenda. Is it still going to cost us 40 quid?

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