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Hutton Inquiry and Iraq

So the government have really been shafted by a couple of people in yesterday’s Hutton Inquiry.
I’d link to the relevant Guardian stories, but their site’s down at the moment. Here are the headlines:
Iraw’s weapons capacity was not accurately represented in the dossier
The 45 minute claim was nebulous. Other claims were over-egged
Complaints from experts were ignored after ‘the shutters came down’

Those points essentially cover a particularly damaging day in the tribunal yesterday.
In other news, Bush now wants the UN to help out in Iraq. Umm. OK.
So that’d be the same UN that he and Blair ran roughshod over would it? Could this be anything to do with the fact that there is absolutely no end in sight for a heavy troop presence in Iraq, costing an arm and a leg. Not exactly amazing that other countries aren’t going to come running, particularly not under the aegis of an unwilling UN.

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