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ID Cards Once More

Well the Sunday Times reported last weekend that everyone in the UK is have to carry an ID card and will have to pay 39 pounds for the privilige!
I’m sure that the story is phrased in as rabble-rousing a manner as possible, since I can’t see for the life of me that people will all fork out their 39 quid for a piece of plastic. It also seems to be a backdoor route for building a comprehensive figure printing database of the UK.
The story also quotes Blunkett as saying that there is widespread approval for ID cards. Exactly where? The “Entitlement Card” consulation exercise was not a popular move, and was roundly opposed by those who even knew there was a consultation.
Incidentally, there are dozens of consultations happening all the time, and I’m now on a mailing list that informs me of upcoming consultations.
It’s really scary that they’re considering building this massive computer database – the possibilities for abuse are enormous. I’ll be doing everything I can to oppose such measures.

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