Hack an IKEA Ribba Frame to Make a Lightbox

I recently went to the Stanley Kubrick exhibition at The Design Museum, and I came away with this transparency reproduced from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I was thinking of ways to display it, and decided that it would be fun to build a lightbox. I decided to use an IKEA Ribba frame because they’re naturally very deep and so could accommodate some LED lightstrips inside it.

The video above shows how I built it, and it’s pretty simple. The things you need for the A4 version I built are:

Additionally, I used a piece of A4 black card, and you’ll need some masking tape, sandpaper, some pliers and a small hacksaw.

The trickiest bit is cutting the wooden dowelling to size – you need to make each piece the same size. The biggest issue with this overall design is that you can’t easily open the frame up again without replacing the framing tape. But then, they do give you a long roll!

Overall, I’m really pleased with this, and the quality of the LED lights is good. In fact, I need to think of something to do with remaining 4m or so of LEDs that I have left!


